Mikomoto Hanmmers

Dive log

Aug 22, 2023

青さ復活!/Blue revival!

Weather/Ground Temperature 曇りのち雨 (cludy followed by raining)/26~31℃ Wind Direction 東の風 (east wind)
Water Temperature 26℃ Wave 2m
Visibility (Top to bottom) 15m Visibility (Right to left) 15m
Diving point 神子元島 カメ根

English bellow:

こんにちは!  クローズ明けから白っぽい透視度に苦戦・・



潮が効いているので中層勝負に。  深いところには体のサイズが横綱級のハンマーがいたり、上には小さめがいたりと楽しめた3DVでした。


Hello!  I’ve been struggling with whitish visibility since the close…

I’ve been able to see the hammer, but I still want to see it in the blue!

It was a 3DV with a series of changes that made me think those days might be over…

The tide was running strong, so we decided to go for the mid-water.  There were some big-sized hammers in the deep water and some smaller ones on the top.

Now, let’s continue on to the bright blue mikomoto!

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