天候/気温 Weather/Ground Temperature |
曇り時々雨 (cloudy with occasional rain)/26~31℃ | 風向き Wind Direction |
東の風 (east wind) |
水温 Water Temperature |
25℃ | 波の高さ Wave |
1.5m |
透明度 Visibility (Top to bottom) |
20m | 透視度 Visibility (Right to left) |
20m |
ダイビングポイント Diving point |
神子元島 カメ根 |
English bellow:
本日は、甲子園決勝! 高校球児たちの激アツの戦いが繰り広げられております!
神子元は、台風の影響での白濁りが徐々に良くなってきました。 ハンマーもいますよー!
The Koshien finals are now underway! The high school baseball players are fighting a fierce battle!
In mikomoto, the white murkiness caused by the typhoon is gradually getting better. There are hammers, too!
Even if the tide is slow or fast, really good schools are being seen in the middle of the water, not on the bottom.
In the deeper water, there are a lot of very BIG size 4 batter class fish!
Divers are also enjoying the hot summer in mikomoto!
Come on, the blue sea is so clear!
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