天候/気温 Weather/Ground Temperature |
晴れ (sunny)/24~29℃ | 風向き Wind Direction |
東の風 (east wind) |
水温 Water Temperature |
27℃ | 波の高さ Wave |
1.5m |
透明度 Visibility (Top to bottom) |
~8m | 透視度 Visibility (Right to left) |
~8m |
ダイビングポイント Diving point |
神子元島 カメ根 |
English bellow:
さあ、ここ数日は時化明けのつきもの!? 真っ白な水中で苦戦中です!
Good afternoon.
Well, the last few days have been a constant after the tidal wave! We are struggling in the white water!
We have seen a few hammerheads, but sometimes we couldn’t see the whole group, and other times it was just a single fish.
We are thankful for one hammer.
The tide is not too bad, so all that remains is to see if we can see them or not…
The sea conditions look good for a while, so we are looking forward to an immediate recovery in visibility. !!!!
Never give up!!!
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