Mikomoto Hanmmers

Dive log

Sep 11, 2024

良いときもあれば悪いときも・・/Sometimes good, sometimes bad.

Weather/Ground Temperature 快晴 (clear)/26~32℃ Wind Direction 南西の風 (southwest wind)
Water Temperature 26~28℃ Wave 1.5m
Visibility (Top to bottom) 10m Visibility (Right to left) 10m
Diving point Mikomoto Island ・KAMENE・ZABUNE



透明度は場所により青っぽいところがあったり、悪かったり。浮遊物が沢山あったり。  スコーンと抜けた海がいい! 

まあ、いつも通りの神子元ですね!   青い潮を気長に待ちましょう!



-10mくらいに密度たっぷり横に長い群れ。 数は沢山いすぎて不明。とにかく沢山いました!


Good afternoon!

Well, we had 4 voyages today with good calm!

The transparency was blueish in some places and bad in others. Lots of floating debris.  The sea is nice with a scorching clear sea! 

Well, it is mikomoto as usual!   Let’s wait patiently for the blue tide!

But we have seen a school of hammers.

We had a hard time at times, but when it was good, the depth where the hammers were was shallow! 

The school is very dense and long sideways at about -10m. The number is unknown because there were too many. Anyway, there were a lot of them!

Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day!

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