Feb 08, 2025
Weather/Ground Temperature | 快晴 (clear)/℃ | Wind Direction | 北の風 (north wind) |
Water Temperature | ℃ | Wave | m |
Visibility (Top to bottom) | m | Visibility (Right to left) | m |
Diving point |
Today we held a ground-breaking ceremony. It seems like a long time ago, but
this summer, Hammers will finally be moving to a new location. After more than 10 years of planning, our dream is finally becoming a reality.
We will be updating you on the progress of our new dive shop as it is built from the ground up. Please look forward to it.
For our memorable ground-breaking ceremony, we had a local Shinto priest come and pray for us. First and foremost, we pray for safety and that the construction will be completed without incident.
We are still on the way, but we have been able to get this far thanks to the support of local businesses. Thank you very much.
In addition, the old store will continue to be available for guests who wish to stay at the Hammer’s Clubhouse as before.
To all guests who have made reservations for this summer:
Please note that the meeting place in the morning will change, so please do not make any mistakes. The relocation date is scheduled for mid-June, but we will notify you of the exact date here in the log as soon as it is decided.