Feb 11, 2025
Weather/Ground Temperature | 快晴 (clear)/15℃ | Wind Direction | 西の風 (west wind) |
Water Temperature | 16℃ | Wave | 1.5m |
Visibility (Top to bottom) | 10-15m | Visibility (Right to left) | 10-12m |
Diving point | Mikomoto KAMENE,ZABUNE |
しかし、前回と水温が変化したからか、魚やサメが少なかったです…😭 透視度が悪くないだけに、余計に期待しちゃいました…💦
ハンマーは1匹しか会えませんでしたが、それでも1匹!! 「1匹を笑う者は1匹に泣く」という名言のとおり、今日はこんな感じで終了です…
It’s been a while since I’ve been to Mikomoto! The wind blows constantly this time of year, but sometimes when the wind stops like this, it is a pleasant spring weather (^^).
The water was not so bad as in winter, the visibility was not bad, and the current was neither fast nor slow, so we could enjoy a nice drift (^^).
However, there were not so many fish and sharks because of the change of water temperature from the last time… 😭 I expected more because the visibility was not bad… 💦.
We only saw one hammer, but still one! As the famous saying goes, “He who laughs at one Hammer cries at one Hammer…” So that’s how we ended today…
I wonder if the next calm will be on Saturday!
Please watch the forecast!