Mikomoto Hanmmers


Jan 07, 2024

銭洲チャーター遠征/ZENISU Charter Expedition!



メジロザメの大群!! ハンマーヘッドシャーク!などなど、


2024年 7月03日(水) 銭洲 遠征
2024年 7月10日(水) 銭洲 遠征
深夜0時 土肥漁港 集合
0時30分 出航   
朝6時  銭洲到着 
7時   1本目
9時   2本目
11時   3本目
12時   銭洲出発
16時~18時   土肥漁港 到着 




銭洲 ¥62,000-(税込み) 



また、65 歳以上の方は医師の診断書が必要です。




ご予約後のキャンセル 10000円
ツアー開始日前日60日前から30日前まで ツアー代金の30% 
ツアー開始日30日前から15日前まで ツアー代金の50%
ツアー開始日の14日前から ツアー代金の100%



電話 0558-62-4105
担当 匠、剛己

ZENISU TOUR will appear again this year!

*What is ZENISU?
It is a small root off the coast of KOUZU ISLANDS, surrounded by a 360 degree ocean.
It is so named “ZENISU” because fishermen say, “If you go here, you will get money.
It is a famous spot among fishermen as a place where the Kuroshio Current strikes directly and fish are abundant.

Over thousands of migratory fish in past sightings alone,
Huge schools of whitetip reef sharks! Hammerhead sharks! and more,
The potential of this area is still unknown…
Why don’t you go to such a big point?


2024/Jul/03 (Wed) ZENISU ExpeditionJuly 10,
2024 (Wed) ZENISU Expedition 
Meet at TOI fishing port at midnightDeparture at 0:30 am 
6:00 AM Arrival at ZENISU 
7:00am 1st diving9:00
11:00 2nd diving
12:00 3rd diving Departure from ZENISU
16:00~18:00 Arrival at TOI fishing port 
If you arrive by train the day before, please take the last train arriving at Izukyu Shimoda Station.

Our staff will pick you up at the station.
*For those arriving by train, we will pick you up at Shuzenji Station on the way back.
*If you are coming by car, we will meet and disperse at the site (TOI fishing port)
.Please bring your own breakfast, lunch, and drinks.Time is a rough estimate.
Time may vary depending on sea conditions.


ZENISU ¥62,000-(including tax) 
 (boat charter fee, 3 dives, guide fee, tank fee, weight fee)

*Please note that there is no discount in case of cancellation due to seasickness, poor health, or other reasons of the customer.

◆Conditions for holding this tour

Participants of this tour must have dived a total of 300 or more dives,
Participants must have a total of 300 or more dives, and must not have been blanked for more than 6 months.
Participants over 65 years old must have a doctor’s certificate.

The minimum number of participants is 8. The maximum number of participants is 10.
If the number of participants is less than the minimum, the tour will be cancelled. Please understand this in advance.

In the event of cancellation due to insufficient number of participants or weather conditions, the full tour fee will be refunded.

Cancellation fee

Cancellation after reservation 10,000 yen
From 60 days to 30 days before the tour start date: 30% of the tour fee 
30 days to 15 days before the tour start date 50% of the tour fee
14 days prior to the tour start date 100% of the tour fee

Please note that the cancellation policy is different from the normal cancellation policy for charter tours. Please note that the cancellation policy is different from the normal cancellation policy for charter tours.
No cancellation fee will be charged in the event that the tour cannot depart due to inclement weather.
In the event that the tour is cancelled, there will be no compensation for tickets or hotels that you have arranged yourself.
If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact us at any time.

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